November 17, 2013

Book review: Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado

I must admit that I love reading books written by Max Lucado. I love how he use his typical writing style, humor, and extensive use of passages in the Bible and how he interacts it with the current life. This is maybe one of the reasons why I could say that he makes the reading of profound Christian truths easy to follow and even enjoyable. 

In his book "Just Like Jesus", Max takes us on a journey to restore our hearts. He welcomes us to a question that will really challenge us to think: "What if, for one day, Jesus were to become you?" How would you answer this?

For me, the most striking truth I've read from this book is this:

"God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be JUST LIKE JESUS. God loves you just the way you are. If you think His love for you would be stronger if your faith were, you are WRONG. If you think His love would be deeper if your thoughts were, WRONG again. DON'T CONFUSE GOD'S LOVE WITH THE LOVE OF PEOPLE. The love of people often increases with performance and decreases with mistakes. Not so with God's love. HE LOVES YOU RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE." (emphasis mine)

Max's intentions are very clear. he want the reader to be able to grasp the idea that God loves us and that He wants us to be just like his Son" pure, blameless and obedient. Max also gives hope that we can do this by trusting our lives to HIM and just follow His Word, the Bible.

I would highly recommend this book to my family and friends. It's very easy to understand yet full of hopeful topics.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the®  book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. 

November 11, 2013

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