September 27, 2011

BE SMART: Korea Electronics Show 2011

KES 2011 is Coming Soon!

Finally, Korea's biggest electronics show is here!

Calling all the technology and gadget buffs and the new adopters out there who are anxious to witness once again the showcase of IT icons of the nation. Surely, there will be a lot of visitors present in the said event, including 50, 000 domestic visitors and 2, 000 foreign buyers.

September 26, 2011

If Someone Leads

Yesterday, we had our church's monthly leaders' meeting in. Before we started to discuss all the agendas, our youth coordinator shared a passage from the Bible stating that we are Christ's AMBASSADORS. Meaning, we are representatives of Christ.

I opened my email and was pleased to receive a message from a site encouraging the youth to be more devoted to God. When I read the devotion for today, I feel very excited to share it to everyone (especially to all the leaders in church).

September 12, 2011

Tribute to 9/11

I was surfing the net when I eventually stopped by to read this poem from a blogger. And I thought of sharing this poem to you.

I will never forget
Alan W. Jankowsk

Let the world always remember,
That fateful day in September,
And the ones who answered duties call,
Should be remembered by us all.

September 8, 2011


It’s a beauty quirk of most girls: wishing for long and straight hair when they have corkscrew tresses, or craving for curls when they have straight hair. This is why we have curling irons and hair ironing tools- or perm solutions and rebonding.

                To be truthful, long and sleek hair wins more points in the popularity derby (the same reason why I decided to do the rebonding for my hair). It’s because naturally curly hair is not easy for everyone to accept and love. Curly hair is sometimes thought to be coarse and given to unruliness. Notice how short, naturally curly hair turns into a frizzy mess at the first sign of rain or elevated humidity? Mid-length curly styles, meantime, seem to unravel halfway through the workday and before long, the mass of unruly curls resembles a bird’s nest.

September 5, 2011

Trivia about PHOBIA

       Remember the Christian youth group I've mentioned in my earlier posts? Yes, the JIVE (Jesus-Inspired Valuing Eternity) youth, and I'm a proud member of it. We are having our monthly "leader's meeting" every last Sunday of the month, and part of it is planning about the topics which will be discussed all through out the month. For this September, our topics are about the common fears of the youth.This is entitled "Fight or Fright?".

In line with our topic, I just want to share to you some trivia about fear or phobia.

"phobia"- a term that refers to a group of symptoms brought on by feared objects, places, persons, or situations.

September 4, 2011

I Lost my Phone Again :(

Yesterday, I went home with a heavy heart. I lost my phone for the third time. Yes, you heard (or should I say "read") it right. That was my third phone to be lost. The first two were taken to me when somebody declared a "HOLD-UP" inside the jeep I was riding. I was really shocked that time. But, this time, somebody took it from me. And I was more shocked with this because I didn't expect that a student from the school were I'm in took my phone. I really can't believe it. I thought I will be safe inside my campus. Sigh!

Anyway, that was just a phone. Material in nature, and will not last for a long time.What's important is that, I was not hurt. Thanks to my PROTECTOR (JESUS). :)

Take care.

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