January 28, 2011


 Forgive me for posting this too late :)
Anyway, let me begin this now. Last January 22,2011, me, together with some of the girls in our church, were invited to attend this year's Ladies' Conference entitled "RefresHer". That was my first time to attend the said event, and all I can say was "A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!" The venue (Ynares Sports Arena-Pasig) was so fabulous! The speakers, they were all GREAT! I'm happy I was able to take a picture from some of them. Thanks to ate clarissa for allowing us to use her Sony Cybershot. :)

With my sisters(in pink) and  Ms.Vivian Dakpo

me, together with Ms. Karen Baird

Ms. Karen Baird, one of the speakers, currently serve as directors with MANNA Worldwide International. She has,definitely, a huge heart for women's ministries and for children around the world. As a present from her, she gave us a Bible (for free!), a proof of her generosity and kindness. :) She talked about the Ineffectiveness of an Independent Spirit. She pointed out in her message that we are not where we once were, we are not where we will be, we are in between. She emphasized that our life makes spiritual history right now. 

with Ms. Vivian Dakpo and rechelle

      Ms. Vivian Dakpo also spoke in the said event. She's from Botswana, Africa and is currently serving on a ministry team there as a Praise and Worship leader at her church. She gave us this striking question: Are you ready for a wedding? 
The Bible says that if we know Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, He is our BRIDEGROOM and we are His BRIDE! This message echoed in my mind until now.

    "You are the Bride of Christ. Never let circumstances or struggles or even your own failures tell you differently. Be what God has called you to be and you will be REFRESHED daily with the strength to keep going."- Vivian

Undeniably, I had a memorable time of fellowship with all the women present there. As a woman, times like these are few and far away, where I can just get away from all of life's pressing issues and concerns and just simply enjoy myself. I'm very blessed and thankful that God allowed me to witness this one of a kind experience with the One who truly loves me. 


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