February 14, 2011

Mahal Kita, Period

Yesterday, JIVE Youth celebrated Hearts Day with a love banquet entitled, “Mahal Kita Period.” This special celebration of Valentine's Day zeroed in on unconditional love of God. Although we alloted 70 seats, there were forty people who came and celebrated with us. It was truly a fun night for the young people. A refreshing and unique way of celebrating Hearts Day than what our society would have us celebrate. I'm thankful that I was not intimidated by some of my friends who celebrated their day with their boyfriend/girlfriends. For I know that in God's Time, I would be able to celebrate this special day with the one I would truly love, my future husband. :-)

the beautiful ladies who celebrated with us

and the gentlemen :-)

Aside from the inclusive dinner, we also had a raffle draw to add up some excitement in the program. :-)

(Credits to ate Jen for the fantastic photos) :-)

February 8, 2011

New Ministry Opporunity

I so love the kids! That's why when I heard that one of our missionary friends is going to teach as a new technique in sharing the Gospel to the kids, I did not have second thoughts. Pastor Brent Longenecker, together with her wife Amanda, is a missionary from the United States. They were the ones who teach us how to share the Good News to the little kids in a very exciting way. We call this the "MESSAGE BOARD". For me, this is such a wonderful idea because I believe that kids would love visual things. In this message board, we will try to use colorful paintings while teaching them about the Bible. In this way, their attention will be caught easily. Aside from that, there is a high probability that the message would retain in kid's mind because of the paintings they will be seeing.

Some photos while having our training (credits to sister Sarah for the photos)

JIVE (Jesus-Inspired Valuing Eternity) Youth is very grateful to have the two foreigner friends. I, personally, am blessed to have these two faithful partners in my life. Hats off to both of you! :)

I believe that this new ministry opportunity is not the last one that God wants us to do. I know that His surprises and blessings are as numerous as the stars. May God continue to reveal to as all His magnificent plans in our youth ministry.

February 2, 2011

LOVE is in the air!

       It's love month. With that, allow me to share to you the things i love the most. :) But this list is not yet complete because it would take me more than one day to post them all. :)


     JESUS CHRIST is the reason why I exist. He paid for my sins. He shed His blood just for us to be saved. It is because of Jesus that I am able to love others, because Jesus is Love, Himself.


My family has been my inspiration in dreaming bigger. They are the ones who encourage me to study well and achieve my dreams. Although lately, my parents got separated. But I'm still thankful to God because He allowed me to face this kind of situation to show His Power. He allowed this to happen in my life so that I can trust Him completely.


To be more specific, i love singing and listening to sweet songs. They are very pleasing to my ears. Memorizing at least five songs is one of my goals this year. 

4.) I LOVE KIDS :)

This kids really inspire me to always put a smile on my face. They always make me feel special. Those kids in the pictures are my students in Sunday School. Through them, I really feel more loved and more taken care of. I am not saying that at my young age I want to have children already. It's just that I love the way how God is training me to be a better person.


I so love them all because they always find time to connect with me. Despite of our busy schedules, they never forget to greet me everyday. I will forever treasure all the memories with them-good and bad. 


          Their cute smiles make me remember my childhood. In my room, you would really tell to yourself that I SO SO love winnie the pooh and friends. :) From my diary to my pillow case, Winnie is a part of me :))


If you want proof on this, you can look for my bags, shirts, school supplies, and even accessories. :) It has been my habit of collecting purple stuffs since childhood. That's why, this coming April, I am planning to have a debut party with purple and pink as motif. :)


Every time I go to groceries and by some food for my family, the first thing I would look for is the booth for chocolates. :) Eating chocolates is my addiction that is why I'm trying to lessen it. Most of the time, I don't drink water after eating sweets. As a training for my self, I will not eat chocolates without handling a bottle of water.


I don't know exactly the reason why I love butterflies. Maybe because butterfly is a representation of being a woman, a girl. For me, butterflies signify the beauty of simplicity.

What's in your list? :)

February 1, 2011


 Being part of a youth ministry that is faithful in serving God is indeed a wonderful blessing and a great opportunity. Let me introduce to you our youth ministry: Jesus-Inspired Valuing Eternity (JIVE) Youth.

JIVE Youth members, together with our Youth Director Rev. Jeffrey Aspacio, had created the name some years ago. As what they have told me, when this group was just new, they only had few attenders. But years past, they continue to grow not only in numbers but also in faith.

This group did not exist for no reason. Here's the JIVE Youth Purpose Statement:

JIVE Exists...

  •  to REACH the youth of Makati
  •  to ENLIST them in God's Family
  •  to EQUIP them in Christ-likeness
  •  to EMPLOY their gifts in serving one another and,
  •  to EXALT His Name
This January, we are celebrating our 7th Anniversary. To God be ALL the Glory and Honor!
God really surprised us. We celebrated our anniversary in a High School. He opened a school for us so that we can share the Gospel to the students.Isn't it amazing? We have been praying for this particular school and God is Faithful! He answered our prayer! And with this, I believe that God will guide and will give us strength to fulfill His plans.

Below are some shots while having our program:

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