May 24, 2011

SBC-Makati Celebrates Its 8th Year

Yesterday, Sumulong Baptist Church- Makati celebrated its 8th Anniversary. Usually, the morning service starts at 10:30 AM, but this time, we started at around 9 o'clock in the morning, because part of the celebration is the commencement exercises of the church's first Vacation Bible School entitled "The Lost World: Reclaiming the World for God". The auditorium was filled with persons of different ages: from adult to kids. The church anniversary weekend had a total of 180 attendees and we praise God for the 7 people who accepted Christ as their Personal Lord and Savior.

Below are some photos taken up during the service: (you can see all the photos here: SBC- Makati's 8th Year Anniversary)

Pastor Jeffrey Aspacio, welcoming the visitors
children praying during the opening prayer of the service

SBC-Makati's Music Team during the Praise and Worship
recognizing all the students who excelled in their classrooms

As part of the service, each class gave their intermission number through singing and dancing. 

Our Pastor gave a certificate of appreciation to show how he valued all of the volunteers.


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